This shiny little book provides ten easily digestible guidelines around Maeda's philosophy of simplicity in product design. It serves as a great reminder (and loaner) for those of us who sometimes find it difficult to describe to others the beauty and benefits of simplicity. I've lent this to students more than any other book. (That is, I've had several copies. You know who you are.) Click to buy your own copy on Amazon.
Simple Fly Fishing - Yvon Chouinard
A comprehensive and accessible book on the subject of Tenkara fly fishing. Like the philosophy that underpins many of the books in this list, Tenkara celebrates the idea that "the more you know, the less you need." In this short text, Yvon Chouinard unpacks this simple fishing technique and the tools and techniques that make it beautiful. Click to buy on Amazon.
The Anarchist's Tool Chest — Christopher Schwarz
A tome on self-reliance as much as it is on woodworking, the Anarchist's Tool Chest, by Christopher Schwarz takes you from an enthusiast with no tools and no skills to a skilled user of traditional hand tools armed with knowledge borne of creating a chest to store them in. Click to buy on Amazon.